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Friday's Fab Fortunes {6.2.17}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

God's Favor Surrounds Us (AGAIN)!!

This week, LT and I experienced a number of confirmations that we are not "normal" people and that God's favor is upon us. Hearing someone who may not be a Believer confirm that 'that happened as a result of your prayer!' was PHENOMENAL #ItsNotLuckItsFavor


God of Explosive Abundance!!

This week, God showed O-U-T! I will be able to share our full testimony soon but when I tell you that God exceeded and blew up our expectations!! He's a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (in faith) and we are walking testaments! #HeBlowsOurExpectations


Updating Our Goals!!

We serve an amazing God who causes us to prosper and succeed! This week, I stand in amazement as we cross off, ANOTHER 2017 goal! We are only half way into the year and most of our goals are complete! I give thanks to God! #ThompsonGoals


Hello June!!

This week, we welcomed in another month! We are officially half way through 2017! As I reflect on the first six months of the year, I can only smile because they were great. The next six are even more promising! #HelloJune


Thank You, LT!!

I've said it before (many, many, many, many times before) that I am forever grateful for my husband, LT. Every day, he continues to go above and beyond to put a smile on my face. He is the man of my dreams and, with God, he leads by example and demonstrates his love for our family. I am blessed to be able to share this journey of life and marriage with him. Thank you, Honey. I love you. #LTMyHero




If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like Friday's Fab Fortunes {5.26.17}.

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!

*What were your top five WHOAments this week?

*What item(s) have you crossed off your 2017 goals?

*What is your favorite month and why?

*Who is your favorite person and why?


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