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Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.19.19}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five Fortunes for which I am grateful! Take a break and enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Spring Break!!

This week, our youngest girls were on Spring Break. Normally, I am not too excited about them being home with "no plans" (TBH). But this week, I was grateful for the opportunity to sleep in a little because, normally, I am awake at 5:45 a.m. But not this week! We had no early appointments and no plans (other than participating in the #CleanwithTC challenge) and it was dee-light-ful! #SpringBreak


Thanks, Sunshine!!

This week, the weather finally acted right! We experienced Spring-like weather here in Northern Cali and I was beyond ready for it. The sunshine, mixed with the scent of freshly cut grass, was exuberating! I got out for a few walks and took in every second of it. I felt like it was a prelude to summer and with our new landscape in the front yard, I am looking forward to spending lots of time on our porch taking in all the summertime vibes. #HelloSunshine


My Sisterly Neighbor!!

I told you before that we have been blessed with awesome neighbors, some who have quickly become our brothers and sisters in Christ.This week, my sister, "K", came to the rescue when she volunteered to help Kayla get started on her project for school. Together, with help from Big Sister Jazmyn, I think they nailed it. Isn't it cute? Can you tell what it is going to be? #SisterlyNeighbors


Our Spring Clean challenge is still underway. This week, we conquered our bedrooms. We also memorized Hebrews 10:23. Our youngest daughter, Kayla, wanted to participate in the challenge so she learned last week's memory verse (Hebrews 10:22) and is working on this week's. We also tackled her bedroom and the video of us cleaning it should be on my YouTube channel soon, so stay tuned. #CleanWithTC


He is Risen!!

Resurrection Sunday is the day that we celebrate the death, burial AND (most importantly) resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Christians, the significance of this event fulfills the reason God sent His only son, Jesus the Christ, to earth: to be the perfect, final sacrifice, saving all from their sins. Long before the actual events, it was foretold that the Messiah would suffer and die and three days later, He would rise again. The prophecy was fulfilled! Jesus, who never sinned, was brutally beaten, tortured and crucified. Three days later, God resurrected Him from the dead to serve as a witness to all that He is the true Messiah, the Anointed One. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior no longer need to present physical sacrifices to atone for our sins. He did it for us! Because He lives, we don't rely on other sources because we depend, solely, on Him to supply all our needs and desires. Because He lives, we will not face spiritual death. Because He lives, we live! #HeisRisen




If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment™, you may also like "Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.12.19}".

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!

*What were your top five Fortunes from this week?

*What did/will you do for Spring Break?

*What is your favorite weather temperature? (Cold, Brisk, Warm or Hot?)

*What do you think Kayla's project will be?

*Are you participating in the #CleanwithTC challenge? Remember to send progress, before and after pictures & videos! (On IG, use #CleanwithTC)

*Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?

If not, say this short prayer of salvation:

"Dear God in heaven, Your Word says that You sent Jesus Christ so that "whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." I thank You, because I believe You raised Jesus from the dead for my justification. I confess Jesus is Lord. Therefore, I believe that I am saved according to Your Word. You have now made me Your righteousness in Christ. You have delivered me from all bondage and make me safe. You preserve me, heal me and make me whole in Jesus' name. Amen."


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