Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.13.18}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five Fortunes for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

I've been inspired to take WHOAments to the next level (whatever that means). The plans are still coming together and I'm standing in expectation that God will continue to bless others through my Writing Assignment! Stay tuned!

Happy Mail!!
Words matter and I enjoy reading them! This week, I received a note from a friend and it truly warmed my heart. In this day and age, the art of sending cards and written notes has faded a bit. I love to read and to know that she took time out of her day to think of me and to write, meant a lot. #WordsMatter

Celebrating My Sister!!
This week, we celebrated one of my "sister's" birthdays. It was an honor to celebrate her. We fellowshipped over lunch and a (maybe not so friendly because she/we are competitive) game of Bocce Ball. It was really fun! Happy Birthday, Rachel Ray! Love you lots. #MyRachelRay

My 2nd Moms Are Visiting!!
This weekend, two very special ladies are coming. (I had the wrong weekend last week). I am looking forward to spending time with these lovely ladies! It's amazing how God has placed beautiful people in my life and they are included! #Ms.BillieandLady

It's Date Night!!
If you read "Rules of Engagement", you know the importance of dating your spouse! It's LT's turn to plan tonight's date and I am looking forward to receiving his plans. #ThompsonDateNight

If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like "Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.6.18}".
I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
*What were your top five Fortunes from this week?
*What are your favorite WHOAment categories? (Inspirational, Wedded or Kinky?)
*Do you prefer sending or reading handwritten notes or texts/emails?
*How many siblings do you have?
*What did you do this weekend?
*Are you still dating your spouse?