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Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.05.19}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five Fortunes for which I am grateful! Take a break and enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Hello April!!

Monday was the first day of April, the month of new beginnings. I am excited for all the manifested blessings that will happen during the remainder of the year. Side Note: Can someone tell our Northern Cali weather that April is here and it can warm up now? #HelloApril


Ermias Asghedom!!

I didn't know much about Nipsey Hussle before his passing. However, from that day until now, my heart grieves for the senseless way this "man of the community" lost his life. I can only imagine the pain his children, girlfriend (Lauren London) and those close to him are experiencing. I pray for their comfort and strength during this time. God can turn their sorrow into a great testimony. The world is evil and only our light and love can drive out the darkness. Pray for the lost that they may develop a true relationship with Christ before it's too late. #gonebutnotforgotten🙏


Group Date Night Update!!

In Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.22.19} I shared that we would participate in a group date night. It was so much fun! We were divided into two teams and our mission was to escape two different rooms. The other group, which also included our Pastor and First Lady, claimed they won. (Insert smirk). But our group escaped our [harder] room with six seconds to spare! We felt we were the actual winners because we had the harder room of the two (at least that's what we were told by the owners once we escaped). Did I mention we had the harder room?? ha ha #Exit2Escape


Landscaping Project Completed!!

On most weekends, you could find LT in our front yard pulling weeds and plucking unruly branches. He spent many hours diligently working to increase our home's curb appeal. Recently, we came into agreement that it was time to do something different with the yard. When I saw his vision, I was immediately on board. Well, this week his vision came to life and we have a newly renovated front yard! A few neighbors have stopped by to comment about how amazing it looks and I agree! Thanks for your vision, Boo! #LandscapingDone


It's April and time for Spring cleaning! Who wants a clean house?! Let's do it together! On Monday, April 8, we will begin our Clean with TC series, which will help us get our physical and spiritual houses in order. The challenge will be easy and you can always do more than what is listed. Each week, we will focus on one room in our home and memorize and meditate on one Bible verse. Stay tuned for more information!! Be sure to tag me on social media and use "#CleanwithTC" when you post your results. #CleanwithTC




If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment™, you may also like "Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.22.19}".

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!

*What were your top five Fortunes from this week?

*Were you pranked on April 1st? Share!

*Will you join me in spending at least 5 minutes per day praying for those who don't know Christ?

*Are you married and want to learn and apply great tips for enjoying your marriage the way God intended? Join LT and I at Heirs Together on the 4th Sunday evening of every month! Email me for more info!

*Who is responsible for maintaining your front yard?

*Are you up for the Clean with TC challenge? Email me to let me know.


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